Hi! I am Elisabeth.
I build web apps with React and the cloud.

this is me!

Have a look at my latest projects:

Todo App

Todo App

React, Styled Components, Jest, React Testing Library, Cypress, Gitlab CI, deployed on Vercel

Photosnap website

Photosnap website

Gatsby.js, Sanity CMS, Styled-components, deployed on vercel

GFG testbox

GFG testbox

ESP32, React, Next.js, Styled Components, AWS Amplify, AWS IoT, DynamoDB, Cypress

About me

  • this is me again
  • I am a frontend developer from Germany, based in Córdoba, Argentina. I work with love for detail and aspire to exceed expectations with what I do.

    Download my resume

Tools and Technologies

  • Vanilla Javascript
  • HTML and CSS
  • React.js with React Hooks
  • Ionic
  • Styled Components 💅, Sass
  • Next.js
  • Gatsby
  • Sanity CMS
  • GraphQL
  • AWS Amplify
  • Netlify , Vercel
  • Jest
  • React Testing Library 🐐
  • Cypress
  • CLI basics (bash)
  • Git , Jira
  • Docker , Kubernetes


  • Freelance Frontend Developer

    04/2020 - now

    Developing websites and web applications for local startups like GFG Informática and ItMarket.

  • Support Engineer

    @ B-Yond

    09/2019 - 08/2020

    Troubleshooting of software and infrastructure issues, bug fixes, communicating technical issues and their solutions to customers.

  • Jr. Frontend Developer

    @ Dinocloud

    02/2019 - 08/2019

    Transforming client designs into mobile applications and web applications, collaborating with the backend team to optimize API calls.

  • Teaching assistant

    @ FCEFyN, UNC

    03/2017 - 07/2019

    Introducing students to theoretical concepts of computer networking, elaborating and evaluating of practical assignments, helping students out during office hours.


  • German 🇩🇪

    My mother tounge. Useful for angry shouting and long complicated words.

  • English 🇺🇸/🇬🇧

    The language I dream in after reading documentation. I also used it to communicate with teams and clients when working for DinoCloud and B-Yond.

  • Spanish 🇦🇷

    I live in Argentina for around 10 years now. A slight argentinan dialect might be noticable. 😄

  • French


    The language I always loved and never learned. Although talking in french will not be possible, I appreciate the excellent bakery 🥐.


  • logo from the national university of Cordoba
  • 2019 BA in Computer Engineering

    Focus on development for embedded systems, networking and computer arquitecture.

If you want to reach out to me, you can drop me a message on LinkedIn or send me an email using this form:

*required in case of oversea delivery

coded with in Córdoba, Argentina